Gold Coast

Chicago nurturing a baby can lead to many outcomes 

Raising two kids was a handful, and you did it with pride, grit, and sheer determination.  

You showed me that life is a place where the wind breezes by easy and the sun glares down on us 

Whereas I can chill in a rocking chair, a book in hand, comfortably watching the stars dance across the sky,  

Chicago can inspire others to climb a hell of a ladder to get your kids to school, have food on the table every night, and always keep your morals close to heart. 

I hope one day I can repay you for what you have taught me. 

I dream of having peace out on the open range, with the tall grass, slippery mud, and a calm place to feed my mind.

From the 826CHI Student Publication: Chaos Comes Naturally

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