Even Has a Room for Drama

The Chicago Cultural Center is the most fantastic place to go. It is downtown by Millennium Park. I have been to the art room there. It is so fun. In the art room there are tables, plastic on the floor to keep the paint off, art materials, a piano, and a back door to get to another place. I went to the art room with my old class once a month. We made many different sculptures and pictures, and little people out of brown clay. It was really hard to make the clay into a ball for the people’s heads, so we had to add water to it.

At the Cultural Center, there was also an art gallery there with pictures and mannequins. The mannequins had weird clothes on and weird hats. I liked them, but they were scary. Some pictures were illustrated by Pablo Picasso. One of his paintings was blue. It showed a graveyard with dirt, gravestones, a tree, and people that looked like zombies. It was scary and sad. The Cultural Center even has a room for drama. I didn’t go there, but I walked past a room that said “DRAMA” on it. The people inside were moving around with their mouths closed, like mimes.

The Chicago Cultural Center is a fun and interesting place to go. Last year, I went there in September. I had to bring my own lunch because they didn’t have a cafeteria, but it is still a good place to visit. I would say if you go to the Cultural Center you should bring food, a camera, and a backpack in case of emergency.

From the 826CHI Student Publication: Sunday Afternoon Hotdog Meal

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