September 15, 2022

826CHI's New Strategic Plan

826CHI envisions a future that is bigger and bolder, expands reach and access to our programs, and is more deeply connected to and reflective of the students, families, and communities that we serve.

We are grateful for the students, parents, and community partners that worked with us to shape the vision for 826CHI’s next chapter. What we’ve heard from our community is that what they want and need most from us is simply more – more opportunities and increased access for more students to experience our programs and publish their writing, and for more teachers to be supported through collaborative partnerships in the classroom and with one another. Accessibility and inclusivity of 826CHI programs is and will continue to be especially critical to our success in achieving this reach.

As we look toward 2025, we remain committed to expanding and deepening what we do in service and in community with our beloved students, teachers, and Chicago communities, and with equity at the foundation of our work, that path forward is built upon three pillars:

Providing students with the joy and opportunity for self-discovery through writing and enables educators to inspire and
guide their students to develop these critically important skills that are foundational for future success.

Carefully crafting 826CHI programs to ensure deep engagement, skills development, and representation of the authentic
voices of students in Chicago, shining a light on the broad and diverse range of communities, cultures and experiences they

Providing access and opportunity to students, educators and communities across Chicago, amplifying student voices, and
working collaboratively to raise awareness of the importance of writing, literacy and the arts.

Read our full Strategic Plan HERE.